Thursday, January 14, 2010


Local LIVESTRONG Army Spins at TARGETRAINING for the Lance Armstrong Foundation

The Fairfield/Westchester County Local LIVESTRONG Army will join forces with TARGETRAINING to raise funds for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Saturday, February 13 at TARGETRAINING located at 772 Post Road East, Westport, CT, starting at 12:45, 3 shifts of cyclists will ride on trainers in an event called "LOVESTRONG for LIVESTRONG". Cyclists of all experience levels are invited to participate.

TARGETRAINING has a track record of supporting cancer awareness and fundraising events thus, “LIVESTRONG was a natural fit with TARGETRAINING, as so many of the training staff currently are or were pro-cyclists and triathletes. Their involvement with the community was made apparent to me through their programs and support of the Sound Cyclists Bicycle Club When I approached Rick Spear (owner and cancer survivor) and Eneas Freyre (head of operations), about the idea for ‘LOVESTRONG for LIVESTRONG’ they embraced the idea of holding a ‘Spin-a-Thon’ at their facilities. I was ecstatic!”

Riders are asked to register for a $30 fee and encouraged to ask friends, family and colleagues to sponsor their session by the mile ridden during the event. Cyclists should bring their own bicycles.

TARGETRAINING is providing registered riders $50 tune-ups (an $85 retail value) the week prior to the event. If a registered participant does not have a bike to ride, TARGETRAINING is generously waiving rental fees for anyone that needs to reserve a bike in advance at the facility.

In addition, t-shirts, which can be pre-ordered, will be available for purchase to raise funds, and LIVESTRONG wristbands will be available to those who choose to make an on-the-spot donation at the event.

Cyclists, friends and family are then invited to take part in a dinner with a small goods and services auction with a price-fixe menu at a local eatery. (Details will be announced soon, as well as how to order tickets in advance).

Proceeds will go towards fundraising efforts of the Fairfield/Westchester County LIVESTRONG Army’s goal to raise $25,000 by October, 2010. Mendes will represent the local LIVESTRONG community by riding in the LIVESTRONG Challenge in Philadephia, PA in August and, with her 11-year old son, at the LIVESTRONG Challenge in Austin, TX, in October and hope to participate in the Ride for the Roses – a private ride with Lance Armstrong for top-fundraisers.

For more information, please contact Rica Mendes at or at 914-384-3648. Participants can register for the event at here or or they can call TARGETRAINING at 203-227-6177.

Please make donations for this event here:

Dinner will be held at Southport Brewing Company. You can register and purchase tickets for $50 for a 4-course meal including an appetizer hour, salad, entree and dessert at


  1. How much ride-time should be expected for each participant?

  2. About 1 hour. (1:15 max).

    I hope you join us!


I'm all about free speech, etc, but I have to ask that comments are respectful of other readers, the fact that I, and many of us who follow this blog, support LIVESTRONG, and that you reserve Lance or LIVESTRONG bashing for another forum. As of right now, I'm still allowing Anonymous postings, however, that may not be the case in the future. Thanks!