It was brought to my attention that I seem to be preoccupied
lately. Honey, you don’t know the half of it.
So, in keeping with my previous candor regarding my
situation, I’m faced with an even more perplexing situation: to remove or not
remove my ovaries right now. If I choose to, do I opt for a hysterectomy or
not? Do I voluntarily put myself into an irreversible menopause, or do I gamble
on my chances with ovarian cancer? And do I permanently, without question, kill
any chance of carrying children ever again?
Let me make one thing clear. I already have 2 children. Two
children that, though I love them with every cell of my being, I had too young
(at least, too young for me). I’d had every intention of not having children
until I was older, after I’d done much more traveling, established my career,
following more dreams, etc. So, the fact that my son is only a couple of years
away from graduating high school and with my daughter nipping at his heels,
means that I’d have my freedom from parental responsibility that much sooner.
The notion of having a baby, and having to delay my second shot at my 20s,
isn’t high on my to-do list.
Perhaps it’s the concept of no more conceptions: That I may
never experience that surge of adrenaline, fear, nerves and excitement when you
see the window on the stick I just peed on change from blank to life-changing,
nor will I ever have the joy of playing “poke the baby” with my own stomach and
have my stomach poke back. Or, more likely, I’ve already had my breasts carved
out, replaced with plastic goo, and the final remaining body parts that define
me as female will be butchered.
Ok, so I may be going a little OTT, but I’m kind of not. I
already removed one breast for the sake of prevention. Now, I’m venturing south
in search of new organs to remove for the sake of prophylaxis.
My oncologist wants me to have my oophorectomy yesterday. My
gynecologist says it isn’t an immediate need, but it should happen soon. I know
I have a short window of time to make the decision before the alleged time runs
out. I can’t figure out why I’m hesitating!
Maybe it’s that word, “menopause.”
I mean, we women all face it. But I’ve barely got my head
wrapped around the fact that I won’t be going to anymore proms let alone that
menopause is closer to me than my high school graduation naturally. Can you imagine how mind-blowing it is that, something I
thought I had another 20 years to dread is knocking on my door now? Will I grow a beard? I don’t want
hot flashes! Can you imagine me even more
unpredictably moody and bitchy? Holy
crap! I WILL turn into my mother!
But seriously, folks, it’s like when I was rock climbing in
Colorado and I was faced with having to jump off the cliff to go rapelling –
and I opted out, against my protest. I could make sense of the mastectomies. I
could make sense of the chemo. I could make sense of losing my hair.
Why can’t I get myself to just have the oophorectomy? Why am
I hesitating?!
(And, I gotta say it, why the hell is this procedure given
such a ridiculous sounding name? Is that the problem? I can’t take this
operation seriously because it sounds like something a cartoon character would
blurt out when punched in the gut?)